Shirt Pilling: What to Know!

Have you noticed little “balls” on your cashmere or wool sweaters? Don’t worry, it’s normal! This phenomenon, called pilling, occurs when the surface fibers come off due to rubbing.
But it is not a sign of low quality! It is common in fine fibers such as cashmere and wool.
Manufacturers must choose: should they focus on softness with light and fluffy yarns or should they opt for a tighter thread to reduce pilling? The best solution is a medium twist with optimal fixation, for a perfect balance between comfort and resistance.
Here are some tips to keep your garment looking impeccable:
- Wear the sweater for 1-2 days and let it rest for 24 hours.
- Wash regularly: fibers love water and renew themselves with every wash.
- Be careful what you wear on top: choose items with smooth surfaces.
- If you notice pilling, use a rasalana with caution.
- Treat it with care: wash it in warm water (max 30°), dry it on a horizontal surface and iron it inside out with a steam iron.
With a little care, your sweater will stay nice and soft for years to come!